Saturday, September 16, 2006


A tape I found at the thrift store today

A tape I found at the thrift store today
Originally uploaded by frippy.
On finding tapes. One thing you can say about this format is that it is alot tougher than most digital technologies. I cant really see digging through the bins at value village looking for obscure audio finds on CD or mp3 format. Tapes however still have some 'value' as an object itself, and there is small growing interest in finding special audio artefacts, such as that pictured here.

In fact there is a cool site dedicated to the activity. Tape Findings: Found Home recordings and other cassette deck oddities, posts one a week for you listening pleasure and has been doing it for the past 73 weeks!

This site is an archive of one of a kind cassette tape recordings and other odd sounds that I have discovered throughout my years searching thrift stores and garage sales. I hope you find them as fascinating as I do. Enjoy!

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